Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kitchen Cupboards Complete

We finally got all of the cupboard doors back on. We need to add a few handles and then my hubby can start working on the counter. I'm so glad my part is done and I can move on to something else! I just couldn't wait to post pictures of the final product so here is the current Before and After's.


Yes, it is VERY white but the dark counter will offset that someday.


The next step is too remove the counter. We have some granite dark green tiles, my husband picked up somewhere. We will have to buy a different color for backsplash and to add in because we don't have quite enough, but it will mostly be dark green with some shades of brown mixed in. I hate the grooves in counters that tile causes so we are going to add a thick epoxy glaze over everything and it will keep the tiles looking "wet". 

I also decided to paint underneath the top cupboards because from the living room you can see under them and I need to lay on the floor and paint under the bottom cupboards also. I'm waiting until I'm not pregnant for that though. 

I will also be bugging my husband to add crown molding to the top of the cupboards, probably not for a year though. Today I got some new decorations to put up there since I was sick of the old birdhouse collection.

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