Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Farm Begins

Here are a few pictures of our newest animal additions. It is a fun experience but definitely stinks! The chickens are very close to being moved to the coop but right now are in the basement and pooping a lot! I change their newspaper pad daily but it doesn't matter much. The pigs are the easiest animals of all. We feed and check on them 2-3 times a day and that's it. The puppy is probably the most difficult as she has the most energy and is always getting into things she shouldn't. We are trying to get her to stop biting the kids when she is playing with them.

Pooh and Piglet

Our pigs, Pooh and Piglet are friendly and are eating good. We expect to butcher them when they reach 200-250 pounds in about 3-4 months. We are feeding them 16% protein feed plus all of our table scraps. No more wasted food from the kids! I refuse to feed them any type of pork meat though and they hate chocolate cake!

Cornish Cross Chickens

cornish cross
These are cornish cross chickens that are raised as meat chickens, as they will grow fast and should be butchered around 6-8 weeks.

Australian Shepherd

Our pup, Penny, is an Australian Shepherd. 

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